Member Benefits

Membership in the International Colored Gemstone Association afford industry professionals worldwide the opportunity to work together to expand the market for natural colored gemstones and to resolve problem issues of the trade for the benefit of all countries.

Additional Benefits Of ICA Membership Include:
  1. Join an international network of the leading dealers, cutters and miners of colored gemstones and receive our Confidential Source Directory available only to ICA members.

  2. Support the promotion of colored gemstones and full enhancements/treatment disclosure.

  3. Participate in our biennial ICA Congress providing a forum to create opportunities, solve problems, make contacts and gain knowledge in current issues.

  4. Receive information on the latest developments in the colored gemstone industry through ICA's popular website, quarterly publication InColor magazine, and monthly ICA Newsletter.

  5. Receive up-to-date information from a network of ICA Ambassadors from around the world who provide annual reports from their home countries.

  6. Experience one of our ICA Mine Tours to gemstone producing countries such as Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Burma, Kenya, Tanzania and others.

  7. Buy or sell within international producing areas for consumer marketing and emerging markets such as China, India, Middle East and Russia.

  8. Exhibit in ICA Pavilions at international trade shows.

  9. Network at social events in Tucson, Las Vegas, Basel, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Vicenza and others.

  10. Promote your company as a member of the most reputable gemstone organization in the world.


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