Report by ICA Ambassador to Thailand 12/11

ICA Ambassador Reports,

Report by ICA Ambassador to Thailand

By Kennedy Ho

There are very few foreign tourists visiting Thailand at the moment as Thailand's travel restrictions are still in effect (14 days quarantine). Foreigners with work permits are now allowed back, but before their visa is approved to enter Thailand, they need to choose their alternative quarantine venue. These are usually 4-5 star hotels.

Within Thailand is a totally different story. Local travel & tourism is very active. Millions of locals are traveling throughout Thailand, most hotels are giving special rates and the Thailand government has given some subsidies for local travel (eg: the government helps pay US$100.- per night for hotel room).

The government has also made special holidays to compensate for the lockdown during Songkran (Thai New Year in April). This means we are getting multiple 4-day weekends in the last few months of this year.

Moreover, the Thailand government has initiated a 50/50 program to help the lower-income group. The 50/50 program means the government pays for half and the individual pays for half for food and daily use items, its limit is 300 baht (USD 10) per day. More than 10 million Thais have joined the program.

In general life is good in Thailand. Total cases of Covid-19 as of today is 3,977 cases. Unfortunately for the Gem business thing are not so great. Things are slow as clients still cannot enter Thailand.

The bustle of the beach in Krabi, Thailand (Courtesy: © MGR Online)

Thousands of people on Phu Kradueng, Loei, Thailand (Courtesy: © Sanook)

50/50 Program (Courtesy: © Money Kapook)

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