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Premier Sponsor - $15,000
Premier Sponsor - $15,000 Recognition As ICA Member Reception Sponsor In All Press Releases And Emails Regarding ICA...
Member Price: $15,000
Platinum Sponsor - $7,500
Platinum Sponsor - $7,500 Recognition As Event Sponsor in All Press Releases And Emails Regarding Membership...
Member Price: $7,500
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
Gold Sponsor - $5,000 Recognition As Event Sponsor in All Press Releases and Emails Regarding Membership...
Member Price: $5,000
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
Silver Sponsor - $2,500 Recognition In All Press Releases and Emails Regarding Membership Reception Company Logo...
Member Price: $2,500
Supporter Sponsor - $1,000
Supporter Sponsor - $1,000 Recognition As ICA Member Reception Sponsor in All Press Releases and Emails Regarding ICA...
Member Price: $1,000