Eighteenth Annual Sinkankas Symposium – Alexandrite and Other Color-Change Gemstones


Original article found here in Sinkankassymposium.net.com

Named for one of the most distinguished and influential figures in gemology and mineralogy, the Sinkankas Symposium is an annual event featuring presentations by noted specialists working in diverse gem-related disciplines.
The theme of the Eighteenth Annual Sinkankas Symposium is Alexandrite and Other Color-Change Gemstones and will be in a virtual format this year. The virtual experience will feature a menu of 10 pre-recorded 30-minute exclusive presentations available to view on-demand from Monday, April 25, 2022 until Monday, June 6, 2022 on the Sinkankas Eventbrite page. You will be required to register in order to have access to these presentations.
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